This One Wild Precious Human Life

Exploring The Question Of How To Be A Man Today.

To walk and stumble, run and crawl, together, with all our doubts, fears, and anxieties, into and towards, the question of how to be a man today. 

How to show up for ourselves, each other, our loved ones, communities, nations, future generations and our planet. 

How to create more compassion, empathy, love and acceptance for ourselves and everyone we interact with. 

How to achieve our dreams in order to make this world the one we know is possible.  The one our hearts ache for. 



The following video is an unedited interview with James Frank after he returned from YMA’s 2021 Summer Immersion.


Beliefs that Guide Us

Men are powerful. Our power has to be informed by our vulnerability in order for it to serve the whole.

Men are beautiful. Knowing our own beauty opens our eyes to the beauty of others.

Men are hurting. Understanding our hurt is the way to healing.

Men are wild. Initiated masculine wildness is a source of unmediated authenticity, not unmitigated violence.

Men are here to love. Our embodied brother-love, father-love, uncle-love, and grandpa-love can nourish the health of the whole.

Men cannot be men alone. We need each other and our community: women, non-binary people, non-human beings, and the Earth.


Some of the Questions We Are Asking:

  1. How have you learned that men love?

  2. Growing up, what didn’t you learn about being a man that you wish you had?

  3. How do you see our culture initiate boys into manhood?  How is that for you?  How would you want it to be?

  4. How have groups of men shown up for you and supported you in discovering who you are as a man?

  5. Have you received the message (spoken or unspoken) that it wasn't safe for you to be exactly who you are, as you are?

  6. What have you been taught about violence and masculinity? Sex and masculinity? Self-worth and masculinity?

  7. What has it meant to be a man? What does it mean now? What do you want it to mean? What has it meant, for you, to be a man?